
Employees Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice employees calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees

Calculate Auxiliary Employees Vacation Entitlement, Employee Vacation Calculator Employee Vacation Entitlement

Here we offer an online calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees with different numbers of hours per week.

Topics: Economy, Vacation Calculator, Part-time Calculator, Personnel, Company, Personnel Planning | Status: free to use

Calculate price increase

Calculate ,  calculate profit margin

Your supplier has increased prices? Calculate the percentage price increase quickly and easily.

Topics: Economy, Business, Enterprise, Self-employed, Price Calculator | Status: free to use

Cleaning cost calculator for building cleaning

Calculate cleaning calculator, basic cleaning professional cleaning

Online calculator cleaning companies: cost calculation of cleaning costs in the field of office cleaning, interior cleaning, staircase cleaning, household cleaning, path cleaning and janitorial service.

Topics: House, Business, Self-employed, Cleaning, Household Services, Cleaning Costs, Costs Calculator | Status: free to use

Am I being bullied and what can I do?

Calculate reasons mobbing company, mobbing consequences I am mobbed

The bullying test to check whether bullying is present at work or rather not, including a recommendation for action.

Topics: Economy, Company, Psychology, Employees, Personnel, Complaints | Status: free to use

How much soap and soap bars do you need?

Calculate quantity of soap, soap dispenser quantity how much soap in the company

Calculator for calculating the amount of soap needed for each person, household or business.

Topics: Health, Hygiene, Cleaning, Household, Washing | Status: free to use

Job reference generator tool for personnel evaluations

Calculate zeignis employee templates, employee reference templates create employee reference

Generator to create a simple job reference with coded ratings or how to create simple employee references with our handy job reference generator tool now especially fast and uncomplicated.

Topics: Company, Business, Business, Self-employed, Companies, Human Resources, Personnel | Status: free to use

Tax-free allowance Gainfully employed child supplement

no photo

Calculate the amount of the allowance, that is, the portion of the salary that is deducted when calculating the child allowance.

Topics: Social & Children & Families | Status: free to use