Usefull Calculation Examples
How much energy is needed to heat a pond?

Here, it is roughly calculated how much energy is required to heat a certain amount of water, e.g. for a garden pond. In addition, the corresponding costs are extrapolated.
Topics: Garden, Pond Technology, Pond | Status: free to usePrice gabion cost

Price gabion
Topics: Building & Living, Gardening, Mauerm, Zune | Status: free to useTurf cost calculator, how to properly install sod

We show how to lay sod yourself and what sod costs to budget for.
Topics: Garden, Building, Horticulture | Status: free to useCalculate Koi food requirements, fish food calculator

What is the best koi food? In this pet food calculator, a calculation of the approximate feed requirement of your koi per day in grams takes place.
Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Japan Koi & Animals | Status: free to useCreate raised bed correctly: Calculate your material consumption

A raised bed combines numerous advantages of a productive flower or vegetable bed. Read here how to create a raised bed and calculate your material consumption.
Topics: Garden | Status: free to useCalculate gravel costs

Cost calculator to calculate the necessary amount and cost of an ornamental gravel garden or a gravel area.
Topics: Garden & Craft & Construction | Status: free to useHow to calculate the CO2 content in the pond

Pond construction pond liners calculator

Online calculator to calculate the necessary pond liner quantity of a new garden pond as well as the total cost of the required pond liner according to given sqm price.
Topics: Building & Living, Garden, Horticulture, Pond Technology | Status: free to useSand calculator: How much sand for sandbox?

When it gets warmer outside, even the little ones are drawn outdoors again. The sandbox in particular is a favorite place in the garden for many children. But exactly how much sand do you need? With this calculator you can find outTopics: Garden, Leisure, Garden Toys, Sandbox
| Status: free to use
Calculate herb spiral for garden

Calculate how many stones you need to create a spiral of herbs.
Topics: Homes, Garden, Plants | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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