
Math Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice math calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Calculation of snow load

Calculate calculate snow load weight, maximum roof weight for snow calculate maximum snow load

How to calculate the snow load on normal roofs.

Topics: Building & Housing, Engineers, Science, Mathematics | Status: free to use

Gemstone cut: adjust angle of crown according to Refracting Index (RI)

Calculate Optimize light refraction,  Angle facet cutting gemstones

Calculate the angles or the modified "refracting index" when faceting gemstones.

Topics: Hobby & Leisure, Mathematics, Gemstones | Status: free to use

Math calculator: Addition calculator

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Here is a math calculator for a simple addition.

Topics: Mathematics & Learning | Status: free to use

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