
Skin Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice skin calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Sun protection factor: Calculate duration of action for sun protection

Calculate sun protection for children, how many hours does sunscreen last sun bathing calculator

How many minutes can I stay in the sun with my sunscreen? Find out easily here:

Topics: Health, Children, Care, Cosmetics, Skin Care | Status: free to use

Calculator make disinfectant yourself

Calculate disinfection hands, skin disinfection mix disinfectant

Do you want to disinfect yourself before the viruses and bacilli? How to show you how to mix your own disinfectant for hands to prevent diseases.

Topics: Health, Viruses, Corona, Cleaning, Chemistry, Hygiene, Diseases | Status: free to use

Special Technical Solutions

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skin disinfection skin disinfectant skin disinfection skin disinfectant disinfection hands skin disinfection ...