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Calculate Love Sorrow and Time of Heartbreak - Calculate Now

Your age Years
Duration of the relationship Monate
Intensity of the relationship
1 - short flash in the pan









10 - love of life

Nights during the week Week
Contacts after the relationship
Termination of the relationship
1 - self relationship ended









10 - partner ended relationship

Duration of heartbreak Month(s)

Table of Contents

Heartbreak will pass. Sure it will. But it will take time. How long, this calculator tells you. Of course, this is a playful value - seriously calculated by the well-known mathematician Garth Sunde. It takes into account your personal relationship experience and breakup phase. It is not a substitute for a personal consultation with a psychologist or therapist.

This is how long you will grieve according to our heartbreak calculator

The great pain of missing someone, sadness, despair and a lot of hanky panky - almost all of us have experienced heartbreak at some point in our lives.

Since this is not a nice feeling at all and everyone who is affected wishes that it will pass as soon as possible, we have created our practical heartbreak calculator for you.

With the help of Calc2Web's useful heartbreak calculator, you can find out how long you can expect pain and tears and when the sun will shine again for you. How long you will stay in love is calculated directly by this calculator in the Relationships section.

Especially for this purpose, our calculator for heartbreak is equipped with a variety of parameters that you must first adjust.

Selection fields such as gender, your age, the duration of the relationship in years as well as the intensity of the relationship (how intensive do you consider the past relationship, between a short flash in the pan and the love of your life) and the number of nights per week that you spent together give a rough indication of the length of the expected heartbreak.

By activating further selection fields such as number of contact with month after the end of the relationship, who ended the relationship in the first place and how high you estimate your self-esteem, you can make the calculations behind it even more realistic and finally arrive at the heartbreak still ahead of you in months by activating the CALCULATE button.

What you should and should not do in case of lovesickness

In order to free yourself from your low mood during heartbreak, it does not help to bury yourself alone at home - you have to be around people!

Ideally, you should cultivate more of the contacts that you potentially let slip during your relationship - for example, with friends, acquaintances or relatives, or even do more with your work colleagues.

More contact with the outside world not only distracts you from the pain of your grief, it makes you happy again and ensures that you can slowly feel joy again. You will also get to know new, nice people and maybe the really great love will finally be there!

In any case, you should avoid heartbreak, to sink into self-pity and see everything only black. You should also let go of your old love and limit your contact with it for the time being, as this can cause pain again.

So practice positive thinking and finally do more for yourself - for example, things you may never have done before!

These diseases can be caused by persistent heartbreak

First of all, heartbreak causes acute stress, which inevitably affects your heart and circulation. It is not uncommon for severe heartbreak to lead to the so-called Broken Heart Syndrome, in which acute heart failure occurs.

But even mild cases of lovesickness can lead to serious illnesses such as depression or psychosomatic disorders. The gastrointestinal tract in particular is also susceptible to psychological suffering - those suffering from lovesickness often complain of hunger pangs, heartburn or headaches due to too much stress.

Moreover, those who withdraw for long periods of time due to Libes problems and avoid contact with fellow human beings run the risk of developing serious social phobias and thus may never meet the real love of their lives.

A little guide to perfect flirting

The following things are very helpful for a first flirting:

  1. Find a suitable location for it (for example, cozy bar, cinema).
  2. Hold eye contact for a long time and find out if it is returned.
  3. Take the first step and approach your flirting partner.
  4. Small talk
  5. Be attractive, but not too pushy
  6. Invite your flirting partner to another meeting in a more personal atmosphere
  7. Just see what time brings

How to systematically win back your ex-partner

First of all, you should free yourself from the victim role of the abandoned person and try to be positive and strong - this will definitely have an attractive effect on your ex-partner! Also, try not to talk badly about your ex-partner and only talk positively about him/her when you talk to others about the breakup.

Keep the ball low for now and give both parties enough time to think about what has happened. Let your ex-partner also miss you first and keep this contact ban!

Above all, be strong and independent and think about your life and what is important in it - for example, your job, family and friends.

If you do meet up with your ex-partner again, remind yourself of the things he likes or enjoyed when you were together - for example, his favorite music, his favorite food or other things. By showing your ex-partner that you remembered these things about him, you are obviously showing that you are still interested in him.

Make yourself exciting! Get a new hairstyle or start a new hobby. This way you will appear mysterious and exciting in the eyes of your ex-partner and you will rekindle his interest!

Specifically, discard the behaviors that may have led to your breakup, own up to your mistakes and work on yourself! But make sure that your ex-partner does the same!

Agree, if necessary, also a renewed relationship on trial and try it again together!

Interesting dating sites for you

If everything does not help anymore and what is over is actually over, then you should better look for a new partner and let go.

You can meet new, interesting people not only in bars, clubs and other public locations, but also on the Internet. In conclusion, we would like to give you a few exciting dating websites where you might find the really great love:

  • Parship - with about 11 million members one of the largest dating sites in Germany.
  • Elitepartner - for academics and singles with level
  • eDarling - a worldwide singles exchange with more than 13 million users
  • Lovoo - flirting app for getting to know each other (especially young members)

Attention: this is not therapeutic life help but entertainment, so please do not take it too seriously. In case of real problems, the telephone counselling service can also help.

More information about the formula in german language can be found here, too:

Eric Hegmann

Topics: psychology, Relationships, Love, Social

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Status: free project
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