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Building process, how does the construction of a house work.
Building is increasingly seen as a process that begins with the client's idea to realize a building and ends with the demolition of the building or deconstruction after the longest possible period of use. In this way, the construction process represents in detail the entire life cycle of a building in its various phases.
I Construction planning
The planning phase or project planning phase always begins with the client contacting an architect or planner he trusts and both of them, if necessary with the support of specialist planners, interactively drawing up the construction plan for the project. This plan takes into account the wishes of the client, the proposals of the architect and the building law as the legal framework for the planning.
II Building permit
With the submission of the building application, the approval phase then begins, which is essentially characterized by clarifications between the authority, the planner and the client and can often lead to corrections and changes to the application. When all possible problems have been successfully clarified, the building permit comes with many green stamps in the documents. This also concludes the approval phase.
III Construction
With the building permit in hand, it is now possible to proceed with the execution of the building project. In the case of smaller construction projects, such as single-family homes, a general contractor is usually commissioned to carry out the work so as not to have too many contact persons for the building contractors. When the building is finished, the building project is completed with the acceptance of the building and the handover to the owner.
IV Maintenance
In the following utilization phase, the aging of the building already begins. In the first ten years, a correctly constructed building will not need much maintenance, but after that, the emerging signs of aging will have to be addressed with maintenance and repair over several decades. Over this time, the costs of maintenance and repair become higher and higher, and the return on investment drops noticeably. Then the time has come to provide renewal or replacement, and a new cycle begins.
Optimal construction advice
Building consulting is an extremely complex field. No building owner can avoid it. It doesn't matter whether you are building a new house, renovating an old one, or adding to or converting an existing one. In principle, construction consulting covers the entire planning of a building project.
At the beginning the desire for property stands. Many questions arise already before the building or the acquisition. An essential component of the building consultation is for instance the financing. The decision to purchase the property stands and falls with the financing plan. It is to be clarified, which measures are to be accomplished in the course of the building or purchase.
If, for example, one wants to build a new house, one can do so with the help of an architect or one can hire a developer/general contractor. The latter takes the complete implementation of the construction project in hand.
Who advises when?
If a property developer is chosen, the entire construction consultation is carried out by him. This is usually the case with new buildings. The situation is different for modernization and conversion work. Here, the first path leads to the architect and the second to the bank. The building consultation takes place with several institutions. The builder must take care of it himself.
Basically it can be stated that the building consultation consists of two areas. They are the planning and the building. Without good planning, the construction of a house is doomed to failure.
The first thing to do is to look for a suitable plot of land . This can be acquired directly from the developer, who is also available afterwards for construction advice. If you already own a plot of land or even a house, the search is of course not necessary.
The financing discussion
Afterwards it concerns, which type house on the property is to develop. For competent advice in this regard, the developer or an architect is again available. Once a plot of land has been found and the development has been determined, it is time to hold a financing discussion with the bank.
Construction financing is not up for discussion until all the planning has been completed. The bank makes a financing offer when there is interest in a particular property, not before. Once the financing has been arranged, construction can finally begin. Until completion, new questions will arise again and again, which will be clarified during the accompanying construction consultation.
Building appraisal, house appraisal, expert opinion
A private building appraisal usually gives a description of the building condition and makes statements about whether the object complies with the generally accepted rules of technology. The reasons or causes for a certain condition or, if applicable, existing construction defects are mentioned. The expert opinion also indicates possibilities for the remediation of any construction defects.
What is the purpose of a building survey?
A building survey is useful or necessary in various situations:
In the event of damage to buildings, a building report is indispensable,
When buying a property, it can help to determine the realistic price for it.
As quality control during construction, it also makes sense to commission a publicly appointed, sworn building surveyor, because many defects can be detected before they grow into damage.
Building appraisals are also issued at compulsory auctions by the appraisal committee of the respective district court in order to determine the sales value.
Even in the run-up to construction, an examination of the construction plans and documents with regard to compliance with the various DIN standards for structural engineering and compliance with the general rules of technology can help to prevent problems from arising in the first place.
Costs for a building survey
The costs for a building appraisal are quite low compared to the usually high sums of building damages. With an expert opinion, you can demand that the building contractor rectify the defects free of charge or even have the defects rectified by another company at the expense of the party responsible for the defect, even within the framework of substitute performance, after setting a deadline to no avail.
The expert assessment becomes particularly important during the building inspection of the finished object, because this is where the so-called reversal of the burden of proof begins. If defects are not discovered until later, the builder must prove that there is a defect, while before acceptance the developer must prove that there is no defect.
In the event of construction defects in and on buildings or parts of buildings or other components of a property such as gates or fences, action should be taken quickly. The cause of the structural damage must be reliably identified and consequential damage avoided. The amount of damage must also be determined realistically.
An expert opinion that can also be relied upon in court can only be drawn up by a publicly appointed, sworn building surveyor. You can obtain a list of suitable experts from the local courts or building associations.
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