
Time Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice time calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Simple vitamin D requirement calculator

Calculate vitamin d3, healthy d3 vitamin needs

Since inhabitants in our latitudes no longer spend so much time outdoors, there is a vitamin D deficiency in the population. Here is calculated with what amount you compensate for the deficiency once or regularly.&aTopics: Health, Vitamins, Nutrition, Food Supplements | Status: free to use

Calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees

Calculate Auxiliary Employees Vacation Entitlement, Employee Vacation Calculator Employee Vacation Entitlement

Here we offer an online calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees with different numbers of hours per week.

Topics: Economy, Vacation Calculator, Part-time Calculator, Personnel, Company, Personnel Planning | Status: free to use

Calculate Love Sorrow and Time of Heartbreak

Calculate how much time to forget partner,  how long to be in love

This calculator calculates how long it will take to get over his/her ex. Source G. Sundem.

Topics: Psychology, Relationships, Love, Social | Status: free to use

Current EUR/Bitcoin Converter

Calculate bitcoins, current bitcoin price bitcoin value

Calculator To calculate the current price of various digital cryptocurrencies. Here with focus on Bitcoin calculation.

Topics: Cryptocurrencies & Finance & Money & Investment & Bitcoin & Conversion | Status: free to use

Calculate optimal TV Gre and format

Calculate the size of your TV based on your seating distance and the quality of the content you mostly watch.

Topics: Free Time | Status: free to use

Powerbank test calculator: calculate cell phone battery charges

How long does it take to charge a cell phone battery with a powerbank.

Topics: Free Time, Cell Phones | Status: free to use

Plastics Technology Calculator Industry Extrusion

Extruder or extrusion equipment in the industry should run reliably so that idle time or error time is avoided.

Topics: Business & Industry & Mechanical Engineering & Plastics Technology | Status: free to use

Price calculator for online study costs in Germany

Calculate ,  price calculator online study

Studying online from home on a part-time basis offers itself as a new possibility for further education.

Topics: Education, Distance Learning, University, Courses, Education, Training, Degrees, Profession | Status: free to use

Fortnite: How much damage per weapon

Calculate fortnite magazine gre, fortnite ammo fortnite rate of fire

Calculates the damage per weapon type as well as the rate of fire, reload time, magazine size.

Topics: Games & Games & Online Games & Free Time | Status: free to use

Planning to have a child? This is how much money and time children cost

Planning to have children? With this calculator you can find out what's in store for you.

Topics: Other | Status: free to use

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