Child Benefit Calculator 2020 - Calculate Now
Getting rich with child benefit? Difficult...
Children are great. They bring joy into our lives, fill us with love and gratitude, and often make us feel like children again. Some people are even convinced that life without children would be pretty boring. But one thing is also clear: children cost money. From pregnancy tests, baby carriages, baby food and toys to school trips, leisure activities and driver's licenses, there are a lot of costs for parents-to-be. If you're familiar with our online calculator "This is how much money and time children cost", then you've already had a small taste of what to expect with the arrival of your offspring. Many expenses that come with children are often not even that well known.
It starts during pregnancy. The usual clothes quickly become too tight and so soon new clothes are needed that provide more space for the growing belly. Especially winter pregnancy clothing (maternity jackets, maternity coats) can go quite into the money. The advantage of the relatively short period of wear is that the clothing can often be resold afterwards. Further it goes with additional preventive medical examinations with the Gynäkologen, if desired. The so-called IGEL services are not covered by health insurance and must therefore be paid for by the mother herself, such as the so-called first trimester screening or additional ultrasound examinations. After the birth, in addition to the purchase costs for the stroller, car seat and diapers, the entire nursery furnishings, clothing for the baby and, if applicable, infant milk or breast pump, there are also costs for a move to a larger home with correspondingly higher rental costs or loan installments or the purchase of a new vehicle. If the child then goes to daycare or kindergarten, corresponding childcare fees may be due . Money for sports clubs, instrumental lessons or children's hobbies should also be taken into account in financial planning.
Fortunately, there is child benefit in Germany, the amount of which you can determine with this online calculator.
Who is entitled to child benefit?
Basically, child benefit represents a tax relief for the expenses incurred by the parents due to the children. Accordingly, it is the parents who apply for and receive this support. The prerequisite is that the parents have their residence in Germany. In addition, foreigners living in Germany are entitled to child benefits, provided they have a corresponding residence permit or residence title.
Entitlement exists for both natural and adopted children, stepchildren, grandchildren and foster children, provided they have been taken up by the claimant in his or her household. In the case of foster children, the principle to be examined is whether the relationship is similar to a family and is intended to last for a long time, and whether there is no care relationship with the natural parents.
Child benefit can only ever be received by one parent. In the case of separated parents, this means that the parent who pays the higher cash maintenance is entitled. Example: If the child lives equally with his father and mother, but the father pays all club fees and clothing for the child in addition to the costs incurred while living with him, the father is entitled. If there is any ambiguity between the parents in this regard, the family court can be consulted to clarify the claim.
Child benefit or child allowance - which is more worthwhile?
If you have a higher income, it may be worthwhile to claim the child allowance instead of the child benefit. Currently, the rule of thumb is that for married parents with a joint gross income of €60,000 or more, it can be worthwhile to choose the child allowance instead of the child benefit. For single parents, the amount is around €30,000. This amount will increase to about €75,000 for married couples and to about €37,500 in 2020 due to the Family Relief Act.
This is how much child benefit there was until June 30, 2019:
- €194 each for the first and second child
- 200 € for the third child
- and €215 from the fourth child
This is how much child benefit there has been since July 2019:
As of July 1, 2019, the child benefit increased by €10. This results in the following amounts:
- 204 € each for the first and second child
- 210, - € for the third child
- and €225 from the fourth child
On January 1, 2021, a further increase of €15.00 per child is planned. Then the child benefit will be
- 219,- € each for the first and second child
- 225,- € for the third child
- and 240,00 € from the fourth child
For which period is child benefit paid?
Child benefit can be claimed as soon as the child is born and is then paid retroactively up to the day of birth. From that point on, it is automatically paid monthly until the child reaches the age of 18. An extension of the entitlement is possible for the period during which the "child" is in education, at the latest until the child reaches the age of 25. However, proof that the child is still in education must be provided by the applying parent.
Where do I apply for child benefit?
The qualifying parent applies for child benefit in writing at the family benefits office (Familienkasse). The competent family fund can be found on the website of the Employment Agency, at
When is child benefit paid out?
When the child benefit is applied for the first time, the family fund assigns a so-called child benefit number, which is the reference number for all questions regarding child benefit. Families who are not sure which child benefit number has been assigned to them can easily check this on their bank statement, because the family benefits office always indicates this number when transferring the child benefit. By the way, this number is also relevant for applying for the child allowance. At the same time, the last digit of the 11-digit child benefit number, which consists of numbers and letters, provides information about the monthly payment date of the child benefit. The payment dates for child benefit, sorted by the last digit of the child benefit number, can also be found on the website of the Employment Agency .
What other benefits can be claimed for the child?
Low-income families also have the option of applying for child supplement and housing allowance.
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