Usefull Calculation Examples
Simple vitamin D requirement calculator

Since inhabitants in our latitudes no longer spend so much time outdoors, there is a vitamin D deficiency in the population. Here is calculated with what amount you compensate for the deficiency once or regularly.&aTopics: Health, Vitamins, Nutrition, Food Supplements
| Status: free to use
Calculate price increase

Your supplier has increased prices? Calculate the percentage price increase quickly and easily.
Topics: Economy, Business, Enterprise, Self-employed, Price Calculator | Status: free to useGerman heating oil price calculator with price inquiry for a heating oil order

Tax-free allowance Gainfully employed child supplement

Calculate the amount of the allowance, that is, the portion of the salary that is deducted when calculating the child allowance.
Topics: Social & Children & Families | Status: free to useChild Benefit Calculator 2020

In June 2018, the German Cabinet approved the draft of the Family Relief Act. The new law provided for increased tax allowances and a child benefit increase for 2019 and 2020.
Topics: Families & Social Affairs & Finances & Children, Child Benefit Supplement | Status: free to useSave electricity costs, electricity savings calculator

Electricity cost calculator & advisor on the subject of electricity supplier change & efficient electricity saving in the household.
Topics: Building & Living, Electrical & Household, Power Saving | Status: free to usePurchasing advantage IT resources

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